Posted by: DD | July 16, 2008


Just a quickie from me as I found out that the OB dept does indeed have wi-fi. Just the facts:

Born 12:47 p.m. via scheduled c-section.

7 pounds and 13 ounces

20 1/2 inches


We named her Hazel Anne: Hazel after my grandmother who died when my Mom was only three; and Anne is my Mom’s middle name and the name of one of Mr. DD’s favorite aunts who passed away a few years ago.

Here’s a picture. More later. I’m tired and my computer seems to be following suit.


  1. Congratulations! What a lovely name, and what a lovely baby. 🙂

    Girls’ clothes are so much fun! 🙂

  2. She is simply divine! I just want to snuggle right up with those chubby cheeks! Way to go, mom!

  3. DD, I can hardly believe it! You have a baby girl 🙂 Congratulations!!!! She’s incredibly cute.

    I am so happy for all of you.

  4. She is absolutely perfect! Congratulations!

  5. She is so gorgeous — congrats!

  6. Oy, I wanna kiss those cheeks! She is divine.

  7. She is beautiful! Congratulations, DD, Mr. DD and Xboy!

  8. DD,

    I’m just so *very* happy for you and your family,



  9. She’s so sweet — congratulations!!!!!!!!! I hope you all get out of the hospital asap. xoxoxo

  10. Congratulations!!! DD she is beautiful! I’m so very happy for you and your family.

    Hugs and Kisses to you all!

  11. Whadya trying to steal my thunder? Oh wait, this wasn’t all about me?

    She is just sooo beautiful- look at those cheeks. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl.

  12. Kiss those cheeks from all Hazel’s internet aunties. She is precious.

  13. She is beautiful! Glad you are well and that all went smoothly!

  14. Gor-geous!

    Oooo, those cheekies! Love ’em!

    Congratulations sweetie!

  15. Congratulations! She is just gorgeous and I’m so thrilled for you.

  16. OH my GOD DD….she is just so beautiful!!! Seriously, do they get any cuter than that??? Congratulations again!

  17. congratulations!! she is Beautiful–enjoy her every day

  18. Congratulations! She’s beautiful.

  19. I luv her. LUV her. Bring on the pink!

    Thanks for updating us all mommy dear. Now go to bed and start dreaming about your life with your newest family member.

  20. She’s gorgeous!!

    Aww, congratulations…I’m jealous already!

  21. Now I can SHOP!!!!!!!!!!

  22. Oh, WOW! Gorgeous! Congratulations, DD! I am so happy for you and your family! Here’s to a speedy recovery. 🙂

  23. Adorable. Simply adorable.

  24. She is gorgeous. Good work, mom.

  25. A million congratulations–she’s perfect!

  26. Oh! She is beautiful! Really – most newborns I don’t find so lovely but she really is. Congrats again!

  27. She’s a beautiful little girl with a very pretty name. Congratulations!

  28. She is gorgeous DD and I love the name you have given her.

    Now get some rest 🙂

  29. Oooh, oooh, I get to comment to you too! Hazel is beautiful, I love, love, LOVE her name. I hope everything today went smoothly, and your busy falling in love with your new little GIRL!

  30. Her name is as beautiful as she is. You did good, Mom. How is big brother doing? Everyone else? Get some sleep and then get to posting Woman – we need details!

  31. She is so beautiful!!!! Congrats to you, Mr. DD and Xboy!!!

    Also? We have news. The kind you’re supposed to wait until the second trimester to share, but I cannot. 🙂 (yeah, we were supposed to NOT get pregnant right now. Oops.)


  33. You did good.

  34. She is beautiful!


  35. Congratulations my friend! She’s beautiful!! Love her name as well . . . !!

  36. congratulations!
    i am partial to the name hazel….my 1st grandbaby is 5 weeks old now and is named for her great-great grandma and great grandma and is known as hazel faye.
    enjoy your hazel.

  37. Oh DD – she’s amazing!!! Congratulations!!


  38. COngratulations DD! She beautiful!!

  39. What a beautiful face! Congratulations again!

  40. So VERY happy for you… She is adorable! Enjoy!

  41. More congratulations!! Hazel is a sweet name.

  42. Woot woot. She’s a looker. So. happy. for. you.

  43. What a little beauty! I am so happy for you all.

  44. Wish I had tried to guess know as I SO knew you were having a girl!! LOL!!

    CONGRATULATIONS!! I have goosebumps and am near to tears as I write this I am SO unbelievably happy for you. You have made my week and she is absolutely gorgeous. I look forward to lots and lots more baby pics!!

    WOO HOO!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  45. Congratulations!!!!

    And I love the name Hazel, probably helped by the fact that I have a really nice friend named Hazel.

  46. FANTASTIC NEWS! She’s beautiful! One each, perfect, enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

  47. Oh ye, gorgeous, gorgeous names too 🙂 X

  48. Stunning!

  49. So beautiful, Congrats!

  50. She looks so adorable!!!!

    Congrats again, DD

  51. Congratulations!!

  52. Congratulations! She’s lovely and I hope everything went as you wanted.

  53. Congratulations! She is gorgeous. Ah, a girl – I’m getting excited thinking of all the pink stuff coming your way.

  54. YAY! Congratulations! She is absolutely gorgeous!

  55. Oh my goossshhhhh! She’s beautiful! I just got a little misty-eyed. Seriously, congratulations y’all!!!

  56. A beautiful baby girl!!! Oh DD, she is just so awesome. Congratulations!!!!!! Looks like she will be getting some serious snugglin.

  57. She is so perfectly beautiful! Congratulations!

  58. Big squishy hugs to all the DD’s.

    Give her cute little cheeks an extra snuggle from me will ya?

  59. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats! And YAY!
    I’m so happy for you!
    I wish I could give you guys big hugs!

  60. Congratulations. She is beautiful!

  61. What a beautiful little girl you have there… sending much love your way and now telling you to go get some rest.

  62. Oh, man, now I have a SERIOUS case of the feelgoods! Congratulations on that gorgeous, gorgeous girl.

  63. What a BEAUTIFUL baby! Congratulations!

  64. She is so pink and perfect, DD. I’m so thrilled for you all!

  65. congratulations on your new baby girl!

  66. i’m sitting in a coffee shop weeping with joy. (i’m also choosing not to blame it on my raging hormones.) i am so, so, so happy for you. hazel is beautiful, and her name is perfect. i could not be happier.

    much love from all of us to all FOUR of you!

  67. Amazing. Congratulations.

  68. Congratulations!!!!

    I’m so very happy for you, she’s beautiful. Sending you big hugs from far away!

  69. WOW! You did it! You really will be bringing a baby home. She is beautiful (section babies aren’t all smooshed!). Now, she just needs some small pink crocks!

  70. Hazel is perfectly beautiful–congratulations to all of you! I am so thrilled that she is here and that XBoy will have a little sister to love on. She is so beautiful, that’s all I can think. I can’t wait to hear more about her now that she’s here!

  71. What a lovely, stunning , gorgeous girl!

    Congratulations to you and your lovely family!

  72. Beautiful girl, beautiful name- so happy for your family. Congratulations!!!!!!! Leslie

  73. unbelievable! This little girl gives me so much hope for the future. So glad mother and baby are happy and healthy. All the best to the DD family 🙂

  74. Recent lurker here…I figured this would be the perfect time to jump out and wish you hearty congratulations! I stumbled across your blog through Cecily’s and have been catching up on your story. I’m so happy for you and your family!

  75. She’s ADORABLE!! Congratulations!! (Guess a lot of us were wrong on the boy thing huh?? 🙂

  76. Dude, DD, you got me all emotional and weepy. Congrats to you all.

    And welcome to the world, sweet baby Hazel. The world is a better place with you in it.

  77. She is so cute! Congratulations.

  78. She’s just precious.

    Congratulations, again!

  79. Oh wow. She is absolutely beautiful. I am so so so happy for you. I can’t believe how happy I am for you.

  80. Congratulations! She’s precious.

  81. Welcome Hazel!!! You’ve picked a wonderful family to belong to. They will love you to pieces.

    Great job DD. I knew you could do it.

  82. Congratulations!! I’m on it, knitting pink again after all that blue for Baby Beagle and Baby Flicka. How cold are winters in Nebraska really? Didn’t I see snow in your pictures?

    I am so so happy for you and Mr. DD and the X-boy. Awwww. A girl. Awwww. Hope you are going home soon. Awww

  83. Oopph, she’s yummy! Well done!

  84. I am drooling at how gorgeous she is!! Stunning! I cannot wait to see more of her & hear how you are. And I adore her name too. A gazillion warm-fuzzy congrats to you, mama!!

  85. Tearing up here.
    She is beautiful. Well done you.

  86. She is a beauty! Hope you are rested and able to enjoy her!

  87. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  88. Many, many congratulations. I am so happy for you that I can’t find the words for it. I sometimes forget that, once in a while, something wonderful happens.

  89. Squeeeee!!! Baby!!!! Awesome! Congrats. She’s gorgeous!

  90. she is absolutely gorgeous. congratulations!

  91. Congrats!

  92. Oh, DD, a million congratulations!! She is so beautiful, and what a beautiful name!

    I’m crying with happiness for you, my dear. I hope you recover quickly and fully and don’t get any further grief from your hand, so that you can enjoy little Hazel Anne with every fiber of your being.

    Please forgive me for not being there lately. Imagine how much sheepishness was mixed in with my happiness when I opened this post this morning to check on the progress of your pregnancy…

    A million hugs to you, my dear, and to your whole family.

  93. Congratulations! I am so very happy for you!


  95. Wow!


    Beautiful name, beautiful little girl.

  96. Congratulations! She is beautiful.

  97. Wow! Everyone on the interwebs turned out to say welcome to Hazel. Just born and she already has groupies!! She’s beautiful and you are incredible. One of my favorite posts of yours was when you wrote the check for the procedure that would eventually bring you Hazel. Girl,, the waterworks are on in Austin.. we may get out of this drought after all!!!

  98. OMG!! I have been such a bad blog reader lately! DD, CONGRATULATIONS!! WOW! I’m so happy for you! I adore her name, its beautiful. I have tears, seriously….congratulations. You give me hope.


  99. she is absolutely, completely gorgeous!

    congratulations to all of you.

  100. What a beautiful, chubby little one. Congrats DD!

  101. DD! Congratulations! She is gorgeous. Well done, you. Much love.

  102. What a beautiful baby girl and a lovely name! I’m so happy for you and your family. So happy.

  103. She’s perfect. Congratulations, babe – it’s wonderful.

  104. Hurray! She’s just gorgeous. Enjoy!

  105. I knew this would fucking happen when I was letting reader build for a few days…


    I am so happy for you, sweetie.

  106. she is absolutely PERFECT!!!!!
    MAZEL TOV!!!!

  107. Dawn, congratulations! She is absolutely beautiful! I wish you the best of luck during these first months. You deserve this!

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