Posted by: DD | December 6, 2008


I’m taking one.

For no reason in particular. For an unlimited number of reasons.

When I’m done feeling sorry for myself, I’ll be back. It could be by Monday. It may be next year.

Yes, I’m still going to BlogHer, and yes I’m still participating in the card exchange, and yes, you’ll still see me occassionally update Flickr, Twitter and Facebook, but I just don’t feel I have much to offer here right now.


  1. Sometimes when life grabs you by the balls you just have to let out a scream. (this is wisdom from my 14 year old son).

    Take care of YOU and it will help everyone around you.

  2. Enjoy your break and please don’t lose the snarkiness that I crave!

  3. Shut-up, just SHUT_UP and get rid of the damn snowflakes while you’re at it.
    This is NOT the birthday gift I was hoping for and I already had to buy my own on behalf of my rather (sweet but) clueless husband so you’ll have to do better than this.
    Do you really look on your blog as what you have to offer people? I don’t know.. maybe I’m as clueless as my husband.
    You know I’m not a blogher, twitter, flickr or facebook type so what am I supposed to do? I’m likely to get a laptop in January and I may actually return to sporatic blog posts so maybe that will work or can I just come by here and leave neverending comments?
    I hope you’re back on Monday or sooner.
    Take care DD

  4. ????

    What’s going on? Are you okay? I’m not on twitter, but I am facebook, but still, how the heck do i keep track of you in longer than 160 words at a time?

    Anyway, I did want to say that I want to go to blogher to see you among others. I hope we can meet up.

  5. I’m with DinoD, I don’t twit or facebook or whatever, but I hope you’re back before Monday too.

  6. I hope you’re OK. Take care of yourself.

  7. Wow, you’re page is like, snowing. Cool! I often feel like taking an indefinite break. That’s probably why I only post about once a week anymore, I’m just so burnt out on life. Hope everything is ok and hope you keep us all updated from time to time!

  8. Oh, I know exactly what you mean. I haven’t updated in months. I never seem to have the time. I should really just close up shop. And BTW, the “snow” on your blog completely wigged me out. I’m okay now, though.

    Be well and enjoy your life as much as humanly possible. And just be. 🙂

  9. DD – Hope you’re doing ok. Don’t be far.

  10. I know that feeling of feeling sorry for yourself and not being just more than a little sick of talking about it.

    Sometimes it’s better to step away and say nothing.

    I’ll keep checking in, stay well.

  11. I’m hardly one to complain about hiatuses – hiatii? – given i haven’t blogged since August but hoping like Dino D and the others that you are back soon. Be well. I kinda like the snow!

  12. Take care and behave while on hiatus. Marjorie is trying to help Type this morning so forgive any weirdness, above and beyond the normal. Keep posting kid pictures at least. Love you and enough with the snow. I alrady have more then I want here in Wisconsin. 😉

  13. Sometimes the best thing you can do is to get some perspective. And sometimes allowing yourself to take this time off is all you need to fill up again with things to talk about.

    Either way, you know precisely how to find me and I know EXACTLY (muhahahaha!) to find you.

    Be well, DD. Be well.

  14. Take your time. I’ll be here twiddling my thumbs until you come back! Ack. Does that mean I have to start thinking for myself? I can’t do it!

  15. I know the feeling… plus the holiday season can be incredibly overwhelming when combined with life in general.

    Hope to see you back soon… when you’re ready.

  16. HUGS sweetie, also know the feeling; My hiatus did me good 🙂 see you back soon i hope and just enjoy the babes!


  17. Oh yeah, them snowflakes, huh?!

  18. I’ll be thinking of you. Take care of yourself.

  19. Enjoy some time away, I am thinking of you.

  20. Great. Now who am I going to cyber-stalk??

    You take as much time as you need, just be OK.
    You know where I am if you need me.

  21. I just read that the Butt Burglar got sentenced to a year in jail. You’re not the Butt Burglar are you!?

    All kidding aside. I can understand a need for a break. I just hope things are ok with you.

    Take care of yourself, ok?

  22. I just like Summer’s question. Will it be enough to bring you back to the blog?

  23. Take it easy on your hiatus – if that is possible.

  24. sorry to hear things are a bit crap. I hope the hiatus helps. We will miss you.

  25. Babe, I know the feeling of just wanting to get away.

    I hope all is well with you and the little ones. Soothe the soul, babe. Soothe the soul.

  26. Will call you soon. Hope all is OK.

  27. xo to you.

  28. You mean the hiatus is going to be more than 4 days? Damn!
    Am I the only one here who is not supportive in telling you to “take your time” and such?
    Love from the Bitch.

  29. I’ll keep an eye out for your return. I had to take a break too.

  30. Would totally follow you on Twitter, but got a big old “You are locked out.” Here’s to brighter days ahead!

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